Dear Parents and Carers,
The school will be conducting NAPLAN Online for students in Year 7 and 9 in the second week in May, 2022. All the tests will be conducted at school in our computer labs and supervised by our teachers. All staff will be familiar with the format of logging on and participating in the testing across the week to support our students.
The test week commences on Tuesday 10 to Monday 20 of May. The tests cover skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. The testing times across the week will cover one of the skills per day during a lesson. At the completion of the test students will have a short break before moving onto their next lesson.
NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia. At the classroom level, NAPLAN provides additional information to support teachers' professional judgement about student progress. These results can be utilised by the teacher in conjunction with delivery and assessment of student learning based on the Australian Curriculum.
Some information is presented in various languages from this link
The school will be conducting two practice tests before the online testing. The Year 7 and 9 will complete one test in Week 10, Term 1 and the other Week 1, Term 2. These practice tests are familiarisation tests students understand how to log on, use their headphones and the format of the online test. The practice tests are anonymous with the results not being recorded or published.
For further information, please visit the NAPLAN website to view resources for Parents and Caregivers regarding NAPLAN Online.