The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is a collection of parents, caregivers, school staff and other citizens who wish to promote the education of students at Sunnybank State High School. P&C meets every third Wednesday of the month at 2:30 pm, swapping between in person meetings in our Administration conference room and via Teams.
Parents and caregivers often think that once their children make the leap from Primary to secondary school, they are no longer needed and that it becomes the exclusive job of the secondary school to take over their children's education. This could not be further from the truth. Students do best when there is a three-way partnership between the student, the home and the school. As fellow parents and caregivers we therefore strongly urge everyone to become involved in their student's secondary schooling and at Sunnybank State High School there are a variety of ways that you can be involved without intruding on your student's daily school life.
You can help them simply by being interested in their studies. Showing that you care can be a big confidence booster for them even if you do not understand some of the things they are doing. Another more tangible way of being involved is with the P&C. Come along to our afternoon meetings. It is free to join.
The activities of the P&C also raise money which is used for the benefit of the school.
If you would like further information please
contact us.