Please find below some resources to help our families and community.
For tips on how to stay safe online, please look at which provides:
- includes a specific link to resources for online safety during COVID-19
- eSafety information, including getting help and social networking sites
- education resources
- information for parents and carers advice and support on making complaints about cyberbullying and image-based abuse
- a wellbeing directory of resources.
Agencies and support available to Sunnybank SHS families
Please also find below links to external agencies which are there to support our community:Lifeline text: when life gets too much and you find it hard to talk, text 0477 13 11 44. Lifeline text is available 6pm - midnight (AEST), 7 days a week.
Parentline: 1300 301 300. We're listening. 8am-10pm, 7 days a week
DV Connect: 24 hours domestic violence phoneline 1800 811 811