
Support and resources


In this section you can find useful forms and documents.

Students and parents have access to a range of support programs and resources at Sunnybank State High School.


The school Guidance Officer provides information regarding career, study and personal guidance and provides a range of referral options. The team of support personnel includes the School Based Youth Health Nurse, the School Based Police Officer, Chaplain, School Liaison Officer, Youth Support Coordinator and other staff who can be called upon for specific circumstances.


Tertiary bound students are able to commence their university or TAFE programs early, through joint programs with each of the major universities in Brisbane and the TAFE colleges.

An International Student Program is provided through Education Queensland International within the Brisbane South International Schools Alliance. This program included students in both the International and Study Abroad programs.

An English as a Second Language unit is located within the school to support newly arrived students.  The interpreter service is accessed to assist in communication when needed.

The school Special Education Program supports students both within the unit as well as mainstreamed students.

Tutoring for English and Maths is provided through subject departments and details are advertised to students through student notices.

Forms and documents

Commonly requested forms and documents are available for download by students and parents from the Forms and documents page.

Payment options for school activities are able to be negotiated with parents through an interview with the Business Services Manager or member of Administration.

An online payment system is available and details are available through the school newsletter and the office.

Last reviewed 06 January 2020
Last updated 06 January 2020