Our school vision: A community where we Aspire, Grow and Achieve.
Our school values: Respect, Responsibility and Readiness
Our school motto: Many ways to excellence.
"Many ways to excellence" means that:
We value ALL kinds of excellence. All students, whatever their backgrounds and abilities, are enabled to aspire to their maximum potential. We support, encourage and value effort.
We work to foster productive relationships. We all strive to build high standards and we are not satisfied with mediocrity. Our values, underpinning our vision: A community where we Aspire, Grow and Achieve, have been developed through ongoing consultation with students, staff, parents and our wider local community.
Underpinning our vision, this is what we, as a school community value, model and focus on:
- Achievement
- Commitment, diversity and tolerance of difference
- Behavioural accountability
- Creativity
- Life-long learning
- Respect for ourselves, our school and our community.